AI commits

AICommit is a powerful tool that leverages AI to generate commit messages tailored to your style, based on your past commits. Powered by Ollama, this simple script streamlines your workflow and ensures consistency in your commit messages.


  • AI-generated commit messages based on staged changes
  • Learns from your previous commit messages for style consistency
  • Interactive mode allowing you to accept, edit, or reject suggested messages
  • Option to view the full prompt sent to the AI model


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  1. Git – For version control
  2. Ollama – Powers the AI for generating messages


  1. Download the aicommit script
curl -sL -o ~/Downloads/aicommit
  1. Make it executable and move it to a directory in your PATH:
chmod +x ~/Downloads/aicommit
sudo mv ~/Downloads/aicommit /usr/local/bin/aicommit


Here's a video of the tool in action:


Why Use AICommit?

  • Time-Saving: Quickly generate well-crafted commit messages
  • Consistency: Aligns with your existing commit message style
  • Personalized: Learns from your previous messages to match your conventions
  • Flexible: Allows for easy editing of suggested messages


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.